If you’ve ever got any inquiries about your hosting plan or you experience a problem with your sites, you will have to contact the respective web hosting company’s customer support team. It may not matter how soon they’ll respond if you have an enquiry of a generic nature, but a problem like a misapplied web application update, for instance, may lead to your website becoming broken or unreachable on the web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to get back to you, the longer the site will be offline. If you offer services or goods online, any downtime will influence your site disruptively and you may lose current or potential customers. Many web hosting providers, predominantly resellers, answer emails and trouble tickets within 24 hours, but in the e-world this is far too long, since customers will rarely revisit a site that is not working correctly over lengthy spans of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
Our guaranteed max reply time for any client support ticket that you post or any email that you write is just 60 minutes, even in case you contact us on weekends and official holidays. Whatever the essence of your enquiry or problem might be, we will lend a helping hand instantaneously and will supply you with the required information to sort out any problem with your websites. The actual response time normally does not exceed fifteen-twenty minutes, which implies that you can just forget about waiting around for hours on end to get an issue solved or what is even worse – waiting around all day only to get a reply that more information is needed whilst nothing’s fixed. We will assist you in a well-timed fashion just because we realize just how valuable time can be in the dynamic electronic realm. The 1-hour reply guarantee is valid for any billing or technical query that you may have connected to our web hosting.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you can take advantage of our unbelievably fast support services. You will get an answer to any support ticket opened through the hosting Control Panel or email sent to our client and technical support team in less than 1 hour. The response time is guaranteed and it’s valid regardless of the matter – billing or technical. It often takes much less time to investigate and fix a problem. We’ll provide you with more details if the solution entails something that needs to be done on your end. If you touch base with us during weekends or holidays, the response time will be exactly the same and given that our support staff will be at your disposal 24x7x365, you will obtain prompt assistance for any billing, general or technical issue regardless of the hour.